Company history
In 1981, with a degree in Graphic Design and marketing, we began as a sign and graphic design business. In those days, this kind of work was produced without computers. Doing things by hand demanded hard work and long hours. It also shaped a business of experience and a reputation for quality craftsmanship.
Today, combining technology with years of experience, you can entrust your vehicle graphic needs to us. There is no better place to display your company name, product or services than on your company vehicle.
We offer a unique approach to getting the job done.
Graphics on the Move comes to your place of business. An on-site vehicle is equipped to do your vehicle graphics on the spot.
You park it . . . we mark it.
The design process can be done on-site, too. Laying the design out on a computer generated picture of your vehicle, designing or redesigning your logo, and getting it on your vehicle is our goal.
“Putting Your Graphics on the Move”

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(484) 319-5471